Insights From The eID Workshop With SheepMetriX 

On August 21, a small but passionate group of sheep producers gathered in Triabunna to learn about the benefits of electronic identification (eID) tags for sheep.

The workshop, led by Sally Martin from SheepMetriX covered the essentials of eID, including the upcoming mandates and available rebates. Sally also explained how eID tags offer an opportunity to transition from mob-based data to individual animal data, which can have a positive and compounding impact on your business.

The key takeaway from Sally’s presentation was that the technology itself won’t make the difference—it’s how you use it and the data you collect that will truly enhance your farming operation. As Sally put it, “Using eID technology allows the selection of animals based on their performance for important traits in your breeding and management events.”

Throughout the session, Sally guided the group through developing a plan, the different eID technologies available, what data to collect and when, managing and storing data, and effectively using that data.

After a delicious lunch, we visited Grindstone Bay, where Will showcased his shearing shed setup.

It was fascinating to see the scales in action and experience how barcode scanning works during shearing. Will also shared his tagging system for recording which ewes had been joined to which rams.

One of the key takeaways for me was learning that a hogget’s first full 12-month shearing can be indicative of its lifetime performance.

For example, if a hogget’s fleece weight is significantly lower than the rest of the flock, it will likely remain so throughout its life. This type of information is incredibly valuable, as it allows you to cull low performers and reduce variation in your flock’s performance.

Other important metrics you can measure using individual animal data include reproductive efficiency and growth weight.

A chart showing variation in sheep performance.

As part of the course, Sally will be offering follow-up sessions with producers. Additionally, there are online Excel courses available to participants—because who doesn’t need to brush up on their Excel skills?

A big thank you to Nikki Madsen and Faith at the Village in Triabunna for hosting us and staying until the session ended. Thanks also to Wing and Will Fergusson for sharing their story and shearing shed with us!


September E-News


Upcoming Workshop: eID Tags